IOSH Managing Safely course is for any managers or supervisors who needs to understand and implement health and safety best practices. You will gain the required knowledge and skills to manage your work place safely through an IOSH approved tutor with the IOSH official courseware that is tried, tested and trusted. This high impact interactive course format will give managers the tools to introduce new workplace controls, implement sensible changes and reduce workplace risks resulting in greater productivity and fewer lost hours due to health and safety issues.
Learning Objectives
1. Key reasons to manage safety and health in the workplace
2. Terms relating to safety and health
3. How the law can have an impact on safety and health in the workplace
4. How to assess, reduce and control risk in the workplace
5. Identify workplace hazards and risks, their impact and how to manage them
6. To evaluate and respond to an incident
7. Benefits and characteristics of an effective health and safety management system
8. Principles that underpin good safety and health performance
Teaching and Learning Methodology
A combination of lectures, discussions, exercises, and cooperative learning will be used. Active learning will focus on discussed based on workplace scenarios related to the application of qualitative and quantitative methods that will facilitate decision making in safety and health management problems in both the local and international contexts, and assessed through structured and unstructured response questions.
IOSH Managing Safely Course Outline
Module 1: Introducing managing safely
- The three key moral, legal and financial reasons for managing safely
- Manager responsibility and accountability for safety and health in the workplace
Module 2: Assessing risks
- Definitions of the terms ‘hazard’, ‘hazardous event’ and ‘risk’
- Definition of the term ‘risk assessment’
- Definition of the terms ‘likelihood’ and ‘consequence’
- Risk assessment process and risk rating systems
- The benefits of carrying out risk assessment
Module 3: Controlling risks
- Definition of the term ‘reasonably practicable’
- How to evaluate risk using a risk matrix and how to control those risks
- How to reduce risk by applying the ‘hierarchy of risk control’
- How implementing risk controls can impact the likelihood of an incident, the consequence of an incident or both factors
- Definition of the term ‘residual risk’
- Modules two and three should include a practical activity to spot hazards, assess and control risk
Module 4: Understanding responsibilities
- An overview of what the law requires an organisation to do to protect the safety and health of workers and other persons under its control
- Definition of the term ‘reasonably foreseeable’
- The three knowledge tests to help determine ‘reasonably foreseeable’ risks: common, industry and expert knowledge
- The difference between criminal law and civil law in relation to safety and health
- The possible outcomes of not working within the law
- Where to find help and guidance for working within the law
- The key parts, and the elements of each part, of a health and safety management system
- The key benefits of introducing a health and safety management system
- Why leadership is an essential part of a health and safety management system
Module 5: Understanding hazards
- The six main hazard categories and how hazards can fall into more than one group: mechanical
- Common hazards in the workplace, their effects and symptoms and how to manage them
Module 6: Investigating incidents
- Definition of the terms ‘incident’, ‘accident’ and ‘near miss’
- Reasons to investigate incidents
- The benefits of incident investigation
- Definition of the terms ‘immediate’, ‘underlying’ and ‘root’ causes in relation to incidents
- The actions to be taken following an incident
- Incident reporting
- The stages of a structured approach to incident investigation
Module 7: Measuring performance
- The three essential principles for good safety and health performance
- What types of information performance indicators can give to help improve safety and health in the workplace
- The characteristics of good key performance indicators
- The differences between ‘proactive’ and ‘reactive’ performance indicators
- What is meant by ‘auditing’
- The two types of auditing: internal and external
- Types of evidence used in an audit