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Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational

Course Details

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Course Summary

The CMQ/OE® training course provides a detailed study of the management of quality and organizational excellence based on the “Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Body of Knowledge” 2014, published by ASQ, USA.

The course will explain quality management philosophies and principles, including leadership, strategic plan development and deployment, management elements and methods, quality management tools, customer-focused organization, supply chain management, and training and development. Participants will have a thorough understanding of key aspects of quality management and organizational excellence principles and have the skills and knowledge to lead teams to establish, support and implement organization wide goals and strategic initiatives.

Learning Objectives

1. Define and describe the role of leadership including organizational structure, leadership challenges, teams and team’s processes to lead an organization.
2. Prepare and deploy strategic plan considering various environmental factors.
3. Understand the influence of various management elements and methods on organizational excellence.
4. Apply various quality management tools for problem solving, process management and performance measurements.
5. Analyze the importance of customer identification, segmentation and customer relationship management.
6. Develop, evaluate and manage supply chain.
7. Create training plans and evaluate training effectiveness after deployment.

Teaching and Learning Methodology

A combination of lectures, discussions, exercises, and cooperative learning will be used. Active learning will focus on discussion based on trainee organizational scenarios related to the application of qualitative and quantitative methods that will facilitate decision making in quality management and organizational excellence initiatives. Assessment is done through a standard structured response questions. A summative comprehensive assessment at the end of the course will assess comprehension of the core concepts.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Course Outline

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will demonstrate the ability to:

Module 1: Leadership

  • Organizational Structures
  • Leadership Challenges  Roles and responsibilities of leaders
      Roles and responsibilities of managers
      Change management
      Leadership techniques
  • Teams and Team Processes  Types of teams
      Stages of team development
      Team-building techniques
      Team roles and responsibilities
      Team performance and evaluation
  • ASQ Code of Ethics

Module 2: Strategic Plan Development and Deployment

  • Strategic Planning Models
  • Business Environment Analysis  Risk Analysis
      Market forces
      Stakeholder analysis
      Internal capability analysis
      Legal and regulatory factors
  • Strategic Plan Deployment  Tactical plans
      Resource allocation and deployment
      Organizational performance measurement
      Quality in strategic deployment

Module 3: Management Elements and Methods

  • Management Elements and Abilities  Roles and responsibilities of leaders
      Roles and responsibilities of managers
      Change management
      Leadership techniques
      Risk management
      Knowledge management
  • Communication Skills and Abilities  Communications techniques
      Interpersonal skills
      Communications in a global economy
      Communications and technology
  • Project Management  Project management basics
      Project planning and estimation tools
      Measure and monitor project activity
      Project documentation
  • Quality System  Quality mission and policy
      Quality planning, deployment and documentation
  • Quality system effectiveness
  • Quality Models and Theories  Quality management standards
      Performance excellence models
      Other quality methodologies
      Quality philosophies

Module 4: Quality Management Tools

  • Problem-Solving Tools  The seven classic quality tools
      Basic management and planning tools
      Process improvement tools
      Innovation and creativity tools
      Cost of quality (COQ)
  • Process Management  Process goals
      Process analysis
      Lean tools
      Theory of constraints (TOC)
  • Measurement: Assessment and Metrics  Basic statistical use
      Statistical analysis
      Measurement system analysis
      Trend and pattern analysis
      Process variation
      Process capability
      Reliability terminology


According to your education level, you must have the following years of On-the-Job Experience in one or more of the areas of the Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence Body of Knowledge.

  • Diploma—9 Years
  • Associate degree—8 Years
  • Bachelor’s degree—6 Years
  • Master’s or doctorate—5 Years

A minimum of five years of this experience must be in a decision-making position. This may or may not include management or supervisory positions.